We at, Sankalp Shiksha Subodh Foundation Ki Ek Pehal work for poor child education who lived below poverty line.

Features of Sankalp Shikshan

To give hope of a bright future to the children of the people standing at the bottom of the society. The aim of Sankalp Shikshan is to bring the children living in slums, below poverty line, wandering on the streets, homeless and child labour on the path of education.

For this, the organization motivates the children as well as makes their parents aware so that the importance of education can be understood.

Education System

Sankalp provides education to children from nursery to first grade. After this, with the help of the society, these children are admitted to good schools so that they can get higher education.

Health and Nutrition

Keeping in mind the malnutrition of children, health camps are organized from time to time. The organization also arranges fruits and sprouted grains in the diet of children so that their health can improve. Special emphasis is given on external and internal purity of the body through yoga, pranayam and meditation. The organization is continuously working on the mission of cleanliness is service.

Indian Culture and National Sentiment

India is a country of festivals; every festival connects us to our roots.

Major festivals and celebrations are celebrated with great enthusiasm to develop an understanding of Indian culture in children. The institution is also engaged in the work of explaining and making children aware of the importance of patriotism. Active participation of children makes them alert and lively.

Awareness Towards Environment

Trees are our friends and ornaments of the earth.

The institution motivates children to plant trees, making them understand the importance of environmental protection.

Along with this, yoga and Sanskrit classes are also conducted for children so that they can develop holistically.

Self-reliance initiative for girls

Sewing, embroidery, beautician, and dance classes are organized to make girls self-reliant.

The objective of this initiative is to make them self-reliant so that they can become financially empowered in the future.

Advitiya Pranam

The positive impact of the efforts of the institution is visible, most of the children have a keen interest in studies. And they reach before the school opens. Children score 80-90 marks in monthly tests.

Getting the benefit of government aid

Under the government's RTI scheme, such children can get free education in public schools till class 12. Under this, the government also bears the cost of studies, books, copies and pencils. The organization helps these illiterate families to get the benefit of this facility.